Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

When we had a house in Atlanta, we had a sweet gas grill on a big deck where we had parties every chance we got.  Moving to an apartment, we had to leave the grill.  Something about fire hazard codes in Louisiana, blah blah blah...I was quite distraught.  The residents in the area get around these rules by having small grills that they move to the outside stairwells and cook there.  We bought a cheap grill at Walmart and did the same.  This is how classy our cookout was:  folding chairs in a stairwell, some beers, and a $20 grill on the sidewalk next to the air conditioners.  If our friends could see us now!  Oh well.  It was easy and the food was great.  The company wasn't too bad either ;-)

Is it time to eat yet?

Layla guarding her bone and trying to pretend it isn't 100 degrees outside.

"I know there's something around here I haven't peed on yet."

Happy Memorial Day and thanks to all those who served.  Especially my dad, the Marine.

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