Saturday, June 5, 2010


6 servings- 45 min cooking plus 15min prep and 10 min rest

If there's one food that makes my manly husband literally jump with joy, it's this pizza.  We've been slowly developing the recipe over the last few months and finally got it to where we make it the same way every time.  I guess it's special to me not just because it's delicious, but because Josh and I developed and perfected it together.  I recently made it for some Illinois family and they loved it so much that they made me bake 2 more the next day instead of the menu I had planned.  There's a lot of room for editing to your preferences but one thing you can't change is using fresh ingredients.  No canned or frozen produce because the key is in the freshness.  A 2" tall, 11" diameter springform pan is ideal because this pizza is so deep.  If you don't have one, line a cake pan with foil and leave the edges sticking out above the sides just a bit so you can pull it out.  You don't absolutely have to pull the pizza out of the pan but it makes it much easier to cut.

I use lots of vegetables and not much meat or cheese.  I know it seems like pizza blasphemy but I really wanted to make a different kind of pizza that I don't feel so guilty eating.  If you want meat and cheese, you can go to any restaurant or freezer.

Pillsbury Classic Pizza Crust 
1 c spinach, roughly chopped
8-10 mushrooms, sliced
2 medium tomatoes, cored, seeded, sliced, and patted dry
1/3 red bell pepper, diced
1 jalapeno, seeded and minced
5 garlic cloves, minced
2/3 oz basil, chopped  (about 4 stalks or the amount available in grocery store prepackaged containers)
20 or so slices of turkey pepperoni.  You can use cooked turkey sausage too.
1 1/2 c cheese
3/4 jar of Newman's Own marinara sauce 

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Start by unrolling the dough on a work surface.  It's easier to spread into the pan if you stretch it out a little first.  Spray just the bottom of the pan with cooking spray.  The dough will fall off the sides if you grease them.  Carefully lay the dough in the bottom of the pan and work your way around, pushing the sides up to the top edge of the pan.  If the dough tears, just pinch it together.  Make sure the thickness it as even as possible on the sides and bottom.
(I've tried several times to make my own dough but it just never came out right.  Feel free to try and make your own.)

When the dough is spread out, prick the bottom all over with a fork so that it doesn't puff up.  Bake for 6-7 minutes.

If any dough fell, just push it back up the side.  This pizza won't be the prettiest but it'll be the tastiest.

I typically start with the chopped spinach.  I know I've said I don't like green vegetables but I swear, even with this much, the pizza won't taste like spinach.  Everything ends up melding together and all you taste is FRESH.

Then do the mushrooms.  It doesn't really matter what kind of mushrooms you use.  Just make sure they're mild, cut thinly, and spread in an even layer.

Then tomatoes.  It's very important that you pat the tomato slices with some paper towels because any extra moisture will make this pizza soupy very easily.

Then the peppers and garlic.  I just mix them all in a small bowl so that they spread more evenly.  I know it seems like a lot of peppers but once they bake, there's no spice left, just flavor.  You can leave them out if you must but keep the garlic.

Then the basil.  I looooove the smell of fresh basil.  Such a luscious anise aroma.

Arrange the pepperoni evenly.

Then the cheese.  I usually have sharp cheddar and mozzarella on hand so I use half and half of those.

Then top it off with the marinara sauce.  I use either Newman's Own Sockarooni or Tomato Basil because those turned out the best of any other sauces I've tried.  Using the sauce on top is how they do it at Giordano's, my favorite deep dish pizza place in Chicago.

Then bake for 35-45 min until the edges of the crust are browned.

Release the pizza from its springform confines and let it sit for about 10 minutes to let the filling reconstitute.

Then get a fork and get busy.

No, seriously.  Start eating.  If you don't, anyone else you're sharing with will eat the rest while you're not looking.  Ask my mom what happened when I baked those 2 pizzas for my family.  The chef barely got any.

231 calories, 4g fat, 860g sodium, 2.5g fiber, 9g protein per serving

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