Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fourth of July Weekend

This past weekend, some of Josh's family came to visit.  His grandparents, his dad, and his dad's partner flew into Dallas, spent a day at a casino in Oklahoma City, then drove to our house Friday afternoon.  It was a fantastic weekend not only because my mommy had just left, we still haven't made any significant friends, and it forced us to actually finish unpacking, but also because they're the best houseguests ever.  I cooked the first couple meals and they were so grateful (probably because they're used to Josh and I mooching off their fabulous cooking).  Josh pointed out that I cook like that all the time and not just for guests but they still insisted on cleaning up after every meal.  Oh how I hate cleaning the kitchen!  I'll cook for as many people as my house can hold if they'll clean up after themselves.  My mom is the same way.  Whenever she comes over, my house is 10x cleaner than before.  She cleans for extra cash sometimes and must not be able to get enough of it then because I'll turn my back and before I know it, my baseboards are scrubbed, the windows are clean, and the laundry is done. 

But enough about that.  Saturday we went to the Tyler Rose Garden because Tyler, Texas is the rose capitol of the US and because Josh's grandma loooooves roses.  This place is ridiculous.  It isn't huge but it has a cool museum and the number of rose varieties blew my mind.  There's a Rose Festival every October in which a Rose Queen is elected.  She's basically the 20-year old daughter of a rich guy in the city who's donated lots of money.  She and her family then get together with this special committee and pick out a theme and design her gown.  She also has a court. 

These are just a few of the crowns those girls have specially designed for them.  What a life.

And then we have the gowns.  These things might be the most ridiculous show of opulence I've ever seen.  They're made by a dressmaker in Austin and they're just...ridiculous is the only word that comes to mind.  My mom will tell you I've never been one for fanciness.  That's my sister.  I'm the one whose hair is always in a ponytail and refused to let anyone (parents OR me) pay more than about $300 for my wedding dress because I wanted the money to be spent on fabulous food (My dress actually only cost $100 from a going-out-of-business dress shop.  Hi-ya!).

Then the broads have a court of Ladies In Waiting who have their own not-quite-as-fabulous gowns.

I don't believe it's possible for it to get cold enough around here to require that much fur.

That's a forest wildlife scene on her cape made of sequins.

This one hurts my eyes.

And then we have the gardens.  Soooo beautiful.  I might have had more pictures had it not been so miserably hot.

Is it obvious that I adore my Canon Eos 50D?

These two are my favorites.  The orange and pink work so well together and I just love yellow roses.  Josh will tell you that at the very beginning of our relationship I told him I hated roses so for our first Valentine's Day, he got me a potted orchid (It was such a thoughtful gift that stayed alive for several years instead of a week in a vase).  I only dislike roses in the cut bouquets for every occasion sense.  The red ones are too cliche for me as well so I like the less popular colored ones.  I ended up buying yellow and orange rose bushes for my yard. 

Then there's this little Meditation Garden area with fountains and a foot bridge and water beautiful.

Then there were the tiniest toads I've ever seen jumping around on the rocks.  They were adorable!  I was freaking out and telling everyone to be careful not to step on them.

My favorite roses were the multicolored ones.  If you have a chance to go to these gardens at any point, do it!  It's so peaceful and the flowers are spectacular.

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