Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nomadic Dogs

Our poor dogs.  They're in Atlanta their whole lives and go back and forth between Mimi and Pop's house and ours and Josh's dad's and my mom's and they just think it's great.  Then we're in Oklahoma City for awhile.  Then we go back to Atlanta.  Then we're in Louisiana for awhile.  Then we go back to Atlanta.  Then we're in Texas and my mom visits and Josh's family visits but then we go back to Atlanta.  The we go back to Texas.  They're such troopers.  They're a little distressed for the first day or two just to the extent that the don't eat regularly but they definitely recognize when we enter our old neighborhood.  They get antsy and know exactly which door to go to and who will be waiting for them inside.  It's so sweet.  We stayed at Josh's dad's house this week so every time we left his grandma's house, Skip would drag and not want to get in the car because he knew every time might be the last he got to see his beloved Mimi.

Aside from being a bit nostalgic for their original home, they are the best car dogs I could ever hope for.  My childhood dog, Soccer gets carsick every time so I was so happy the first time we took Skip in the car and he loved it.  Layla loves the car too.  They just sleep and look out the window.  The last few times, they've had the whole backseat to their little selves and could stretch out.  Coming back to Texas, we were a bit loaded down.  We live in a dry county and the closest alcohol is 30 minutes away.  Even then, the beer and wine are very expensive and that's what we mostly drink.  We got 6 cases of Trader Joe's Cabernet and 5 12-packs of Yuengling Lager (best beer ever).  Everyone kept asking us where the party was but we just told them "Texas".  I hate still living in parts of the Bible Belt that haven't caught up with the rest of the real world.  People drink.  They're going to drink whether they live in a dry county or it's Sunday or whatever.  Not everyone overdrinks.  Deal with it!  Sorry, I like my wine and beer on occasion and it's frustrating to pay more that it's worth or drive further than I should for it.  Because of this little predicament, we stocked up so that we wouldn't have to buy wine or beer at least until we go back to Atlanta in November.  Josh's poor little Civic was so loaded down that I thought it would drag leaving the driveway. 

We had to put our one suitcase in the backseat so the dogs had to share one seat.  They were so good! They just adjusted until they found an acceptable spot and then slept the whole time.  The first half of the drive, Layla took up most of the seat and Skip was squished against the door.  The second half of the trip, Layla sat up and looked out the window while Skip took up most of the seat.  Then they just laid on each other which was hilarious.

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